| WIZ/CAANOO Clock: |
200 to 900 MHz options are available. Performance of the emulator is better with bigger values. 533 MHz is the standard value. 700 MHz seems to run ok with all consoles (but batteries duration is reduced). Use greater values at your own risk!.
 | RAM Tweaks: |
ON: The RAM Tweaks are activated to gain some more performance. Some consoles have problems with them. Recommended in WIZ.
OFF: The RAM Tweaks are disabled to ensure the emulator run on every console. Recommended in some CAANOO.
 | Frame-Limit: |
ON: Frame-limiter is enabled. Good for sound sync.
OFF: Frame-limiter is disabled.
 | Frame-Skip: |
0 to 11: Adjust video frame-skip.
Video: The frame-skip is adjusted according to video refresh-rate (NTSC=60 Hz or PAL=50 Hz).
Game: The frame-skip is adjusted according to game frame-rate (FPS depends on the game).
 | Interlace: |
OFF: Video interlace is disabled.
Simple: Simple video interlace (half of lines are always shown).
Progressive: Progressive interlace (odd/even lines are shown consecutively).
 | Sound: |
OFF: Sound is disabled.
ON (basic): Basic sound is enabled (FM and WAVE).
ON (XA): Additional sound (XA-Audio).
ON (CD-Audio): Additional sound (CD-Audio).
ON (XA+CD-Audio): Additional sound (both XA-Audio and CD-Audio).
 | CPU Clock: |
The clock of the CPU can be adjusted from 10% to 200%. The nominal value is 100% and the CPU is emulated accurately. Use lower values to get more performance. Also the clock can be overclocked up to 200%.
 | CPU BIAS: |
Auto: The CPU cycle multiplier is automatically adjusted.
1..16: The CPU cycle multiplier is manually adjusted.
3 should be ok for the majority of the games, but the best value depends on the game.
4 can be used with some 2D games to gain speed. The higher values are faster as the CPU is underclocked but if the game needs more CPU power the game will be slowed down.
Lower values can be selected for compatibility but the emulator will be very slow.
 | CPU Core: |
HLE: The fastest mode. The recompiler is enabled with BIOS emulation.
HLE-Secure: Slower but more compatible HLE recompiler (e.g. Castlevania SOTN or Final Fantasy VII need this to run).
BIOS: Slower than HLE but more compatible. It needs a copy of the PSX BIOS (scph1001.bin).
HLE (Interpreter): Slow interpreter with HLE BIOS emulation.
BIOS (Interpreter): Slow interpreter needing a copy of the PSX BIOS (scph1001.bin).
 | GPU Type: |
Software: Software GPU with all the features enabled.
No Light: Disable lighting to gain some speed. Graphical bugs could appear in games.
No Blend: Disable blending to gain some speed. Graphical bugs could appear in games.
No Light+Blend: Disable both lighting and blending. Graphical bugs could appear in games.
 | Auto-Save: |
OFF: Auto-save feature is disabled.
ON: The game state is loaded automatically when the game is started and saved when you exit.
 | Game Fixes: |
SIO Irq Always Enabled
SPU Irq Always Enabled
Parasite Eve 2, Vandal Hearts 1/2 fix
InuYasha Sengoku Battle fix
Abbe's Odyssey fix